Impact Projects

Impact Projects

Impact Projects are the ones that are close to our hearts. We value the noble work of non-profit organizations as they make our communities more equitable, drive economic growth, and help people thrive. We also love educators, as they are the backbone of our society. In this section, you will find samples of projects created for organizations that work in the education and non-profit fields.  

We have the tools to help your team upskill, gain confidence, and do their job better!

Take a look at some impact projects we developed!

Applications of Social and Emotional Learning in our Daily Life

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is considered one of the critical indicators of success in life. It relates to how we communicate, interact, connect, and collaborate with others, the decisions, and how we feel about ourselves. 

Project Purpose: The content of this sample is part of an online College and Career Readiness course facilitated in a blended learning modality for adults. SEL was part of the curriculum that helped equip adult learners with tools to help them identify and regulate their emotions. 

Project Delivery: blended modality facilitated synchronously in English. 

Project Deliverables: Lesson created in Articulated Rise, Storyboard, and a Single Point Rubric used as a self-assessment at the beginning of the session. The Rubric is available in English and Spanish


This non-profit organization works with Latino immigrant parents, families, and communities in New Mexico by providing educational services and career development opportunities. 

Project Purpose: support instructors with digital literacy training, online learning and teaching best practices, and creating professional development opportunities that enhance their skills to transition their instruction to online education effectively.

Project Delivery: blended modality facilitated bilingually in English and Spanish. 

overall results

During a six-month period, participants were able to:

The results of the project evaluation are divided into the four categories below:

These are the key highlights obtained from the evaluation survey participants took at the end of the course:

  • 66.7% feel very comfortable, and 33.3% feel comfortable teaching adults online. 
  • 55.6% feel very comfortable, and 44.4% feel comfortable creating organized and engaging lessons after the training. 
  • 55.6% of participants are very satisfied, and 44.4% of participants are satisfied with the training.
  • 100% feel that they achieved the goals of the training.
  • 100% feel that their knowledge or skills improved with the training.

Participants developed an eight-week curriculum that included a syllabus, and lesson plans that were guided by the 4C framework and the six learning principles, and participants developed the content in Google Classroom. Also, participants identified their strengths and areas of improvement through peer mentoring opportunities and self-reflection. Evidence of learning during this course was the following:

  • Participants completed all the course units and fulfilled this training’s requirements, providing valuable insights.
  • Self-assessment and self-observation of teaching.
  • Reflection: Hero’s Journey presentation

During the training, participants received feedback about their teaching practices, lesson plans, and Google Classroom in diverse opportunities. These instances helped participants to improve their practices and behaviors. As a result, participants obtained a positive evaluation from students (based on students’ survey) and as well from their supervisor. Evidence of the change of behavior during the training are:

  • Participants taught successfully synchronously using Google Meet.
  • Use of Google Classroom with students.
  • Use of WhatsApp as instructional technology.
  • Use Google Docs, forms, emails, and other tools.

Participants achieved the goals established by the organization. Upon completing the training, participants delivered the lesson plans, the syllabus, and Google Classroom activities. Also, they determined an individual professional plan in which each participant established short and long-term goals that will impact their performance at work and students’ learning experiences.



This organization works with people from all over the world that want to learn Spanish.  Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they had to transition to online facilitation and teaching to deliver their classes. Therefore they wanted to improve their facilitation practices. The instructors teach different levels from children to adult professionals and college students. Also, they are mainly women that work to sustain their families. 

Project Purpose: support instructors with digital literacy training, online learning, and teaching best practices to engage with diverse audiences. 

Project Delivery: blended learning modality delivered in Spanish. 

The Audience: women with diverse backgrounds, ages, and multilevel digital literacy skills. 



The C3 Project was a Professional development initiative based on a professional learning community (PLC) model that builds the capacity of New Mexico adult education programs to establish Career Pathways (CP) programming, Competency-based education, and Collaborative partnerships. I supported this project’s development, design, and facilitation from 2017 to 2019.  This leadership project was grant-funded by the Adult Education Division of the New Mexico Higher Education Department (NMHED/AE) to support adult education programs to meet the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA) requirements.

Click below to access the final report of the project, access the curriculum and the adult learning frameworks we used to design this outstanding program: 

Presentation at COABE 2019 “Unmasking the Brilliance Adult Education: Elevating New Mexico from Worst to Best in the Nation.”